Driveline and Transportation » Transportation Options

Transportation Options

Driveline, Walker, Rideshare Forms and Information

As a Charter school, Flagstaff Academy does not participate in the St. Vrain Valley School District's transportation program. We pride ourselves on having one of the best organized and safest driveline and walker programs in the area. For drop-off, you may use one of two driveline entrances to our campus on Miller Drive. 
Each household is issued a designated driveline number for afternoon driveline. You may opt out of driveline and have your child(ren) designated as a walker, and your child will be released with the walkers group to the staffed crosswalk. Non-driveline cars may be parked on Miller Drive or in the Front Range parking lot directly across the street. As good neighbors, we ask you to not park in any other parking lot. We are not responsible for any tickets or towing. 

Please click on the below links for driveline tags, to sign up for rideshare, or to register your student as a walker. Driveline tags may only be picked up by parents or legal guardians.



rideshare iconFlagstaff Academy participates in the Way to Go School Pool, a Denver Regional Council of Government program dedicated to helping commuters arrange carpools. Way to Go connect parents with nearby families so that they may arrange carpooling. All families participating in a carpool must complete the below Rideshare Registration form.




Walkers are released after the first Rideshare students have left campus in their cars and once cars have stopped moving in the parking lot. This is typically around 3:35 and the office announces this release over the loudspeaker. Walkers are to use the designated staffed crosswalks ONLY. Please arrive promptly at dismissal time so your child is not waiting unaccompanied on the sidewalk. You may park on Miller Drive or in the Front Range parking lot across the street. Do not park in any other neighboring business parking lots or you will be towed. As good neighbors in our community and as a matter of safety, our child(ren) must not climb on our neighbor's trees, berms, park, or run through their parking lots. 

  • Ensure that your child knows to use the crosswalks, and not to take short-cuts across the property of our neighbors, or loiter off the school grounds. 
  • Remind your child to not play on the Fit-Trail structures located on the sidewalks on Miller Drive or in the landscaping of our neighbors.
  • Children not registered as walkers will not be released from class or let off the school property.
  • Students registered as walkers have the ability to leave the school grounds without adult supervision. Please be aware that if you authorize your child to leave the school premises, they will be allowed off the school property on their own.




city bus silhouette

Students that take the RTD bus are dismissed at 3:25 p.m. daily to walk to the public transit bus stop on Miller Drive. Students will not be released if the Crosswalk Pass for Bus Form below has not been completed.
Students may ONLY cross the street at designated crosswalks. Please ensure your student does not run across Miller Drive at the west Flagstaff driveway. This behavior is incredibly dangerous.




black bikeBike Riders are released with RideShare at 3:25 p.m. Students may then go to the bike racks and get their bikes and leave. As bike riders are helping keep a car off the road, we will give them preference as well. Parents can meet their biking students at the bike racks and show their driveline tag as RideShare.