Katie Gustafson, Executive Principal
Katie Gustafson is the proud principal and lead learner at Flagstaff Academy, where she has served since 2011. During that time, she has held the roles of Middle School Social Studies teacher, Assistant Principal, Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Coach, Middle School Principal, before moving to the Executive Principal position. Mrs. Gustafson was named 2020 Colorado League of Charter Schools “School Leader of the Year” and was central to Flagstaff Academy’s Middle School’s initial designation as a national “School to Watch” in 2019 and redesignation in 2022. Mrs. Gustafson serves as the state Charter School Regional Director for the Colorado Association of Middle Level Education (CAMLE) and the Director of the Colorado Schools to Watch program.
Mrs. Gustafson earned her M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Northern Colorado. She is a Colorado native and enjoys traveling, reading, gardening, and spending time with her husband and two school aged sons, both of whom attend Flagstaff Academy. Go Dragons!