Infinite Campus
How Do I Login into Infinite Campus?
Parents/Guardians: Login with the username and initial password provided by the front office. Parents need to change their password after initial login.Students: Login with their student ID number and the username and initial password provided by their homeroom teacher. Students need to change their password after initial login. Students who do not know their ID number should get it from their homeroom teacher.
What if I forget my password?
Go to the front desk or e-mail [email protected] to get a password reset.How do I see information for more than one student?
Parents who have more than one child attending a St. Vrain school need to choose the student for which they would like to view information by using the drop down tab at the top of the screen titled "Switch Student" and select the student.Students can only see their own information, not information pertaining to their siblings. Students should be using their own IC login, not the parent login.
How do I see assignment descriptions and due dates?
Work that has been assigned and is not yet due can be viewed by selecting the 'To Do List ' task from the left hand sidebar. The 'To Do List' is a good way to see assignments from all classes at the same time.There are multiple ways to see assignments for more than one class. Either use 'Grades' and select the course name to see assignments for a particular class or select 'Calendar', hover over the 'A+' icon on any date to see a short assignment description or select the 'A+' icon on that date to see a complete description.
How do I see grades?
Grades are viewed by selecting 'Grades' from the left hand sidebar. This will show grades for all assignments in that course as well as the overall course grade.
When are grades updated?
For middle school, grades are posted at least once per week. Most teachers post grades over the weekend. For elementary, check the teacher the Elementary Grades hand out or webpage for information on when grades will be posted.
How often are assignments posted?
For middle school, class work assignments are posted on the day that they are assigned. Longer term projects and tests are posted at least one week in advance. For elementary, check the Elementary Grades hand out or teacher webpage.
How can I tell if a teacher has sent me a message from IC?
Messages from IC are sent to the e-mail address in your IC profile from svsd-do-not-reply. If the e-mail address in IC is incorrect, go to the front office or e-mail [email protected] to get it corrected. If a message was inadvertently deleted from your e-mail or got filtered out of your inbox, you can review messages sent to you from IC by selecting "Messages" from the left hand sidebar.
How can I get additional help in using IC?
Middle school students will receive an IC tutorial in their homeroom class and can demonstrate their IC expertise to their parents. Parents can contact the front office to get additional assistance, if necessary.
How can I change the types of messages I receive in my e-mail from IC?
Select 'Contact Preferences' from the left hand sidebar and check the boxes for the types of messages you would like to receive.