Are charter schools accredited?
Yes. The State Board of Education accredits public school districts. School districts in turn accredit the schools that meet their district accreditation standards. Charter schools are subject to all accreditation requirements. Many districts and charter schools seek additional accreditation through independent organizations. For more information on these accrediting agencies, consult your local district or charter school. Further, the State Board of Education accredits the Charter School Institute through a similar process. Institute charter schools are accredited through the Institute and subject to the Institute’s accreditation requirements.
Who provides transportation to a charter school?
Due to finances and the need to pay for facilities out of operating revenue, many charter schools do not provide bus transportation for students. Parents often organize car pools to provide transportation. Public transportation is used in some areas when it is available. Some charter schools do have agreements with their school district for bus service. Whenever this is done, the agreement is in the written charter/contract.